Monday, July 26, 2010

Module 5 - Pensacola LiDAR Image

Well, here is a little slice of Western Florida. Look closely and you can see the natives frolicking in the surf (watch out for the tarballs). Other than the incredible IDW 'magic man' act (think Talladega Nights), it was strightforward. Now where did I put that rubric?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Module 4 - Pieces of the puzzle...

Can't seem to figure out the 'map making' parts of ERDAS, so here are the Legend and Histograms. Raster classification seems less alien now, and somehow worked. Merging Classes, not so much.

I'm curious to see how much of the same functionality is in Arc.

Module 4 - First draft

Here is the classified image, with an illegible legend. Back to ERDAS...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Remote Sensing Week 3

Back with another ERDAS masterpiece.

Steep learning curve; wish there was more time, as I'm beginning to 'get it'.

Thursday, July 1, 2010